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Empower, Educate, Encourage, Equip
The Empowered Women's Network Empowers women to mentor younger or other women. (Acts1:8,Titus 2:3-5).


And you shall receive power after the Holy Ghost is come upon you… (Acts 1:8)


The  Empowered Women's Network is a life-impacting ministry focusing on transformation of hearts by Empowering Women for kingdom influence through mentorship (transformational discipleship). This ministry is strategically positioned to be able to utilize and harness all talents, gifts and resources to build up women in the body of Christ and the community. We intend to achieve these goals by pursuing the following objectives:


• Encouraging love, humility and respect amongst the sisterhood and ministering to the needs of the women as well as helping them build stronger families through our Empower Women’s Conference .


• Enhancing personal growth in grace and the knowledge of God and in our relationship with Him through the Empowered Women’s Bible study. Ephesians 4:12,13.


• Educating women about life issues such as relationships, Parenting, Finances/business, and Health and Empowering them to fulfill their God-given purpose through our Empowered To Mentor women workshops/seminars.


• Equipping our younger generations to be the best God ordained them by providing mentorship to the younger ladies, teenagers and youths (HEART-TO-HEART group). Titus 2:3-5 .


.Engaging the women to share the love of God by caring and supporting the women and children in the community that are hurting, women in shelters, homeless women,single mothers e.t.c (AGAPE group).


Empowered Women's Network not only desire for women to grow in the knowledge of God and reflect him in their daily lives but also be a channel of blessing. As women are shaped and molded into the image of God, we are encouraged to reach a lost world with the love of Christ, teaching and training them in His truths.

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