Your attitude? Your Financial breakthrough
Your Attitude? Your Financial Breakthrough!What happens when everything goes wrong? You have had that confirmation from God for that financial breakthrough but yet everything continues to go wrong, even when it is not your fault? What is your attitude when this happens? We’ve all been there, haven’t we? How did we react then and how do we continue to react now? Let’s look at Joseph, Paul and Silas. What was their attitude? How did their attitude move God to do beyond expectations! Joseph-His Attitude Joseph is such a remarkable person! The favor of God was so much on Joseph’s life that wherever he went he prospered (Gen.39:3NKJV). Joseph like most of us, had dreams to confirm that he was going to be great (Gen.37:5, 9 NKJV) but things kept going wrong, even when he did not do anything wrong! He was sold into slavery by his own brothers (Gen.37:28NKJV), he was falsely accused of rape (Gen.39:13-18 NKJV) and thrown into prison (Gen.39:20NKJV)! In one of my previous articles, “Stopping Your Mouth from Blocking Your Financial Increase” I had stressed on the words of the mouth. Today we look at attitude! You may not say anything but you may still have a bad attitude! Remember God sees the heart (1Sam.16:7NKJV)! Joseph’s attitude gave him favor wherever he went. Potiphar, his master saw that the Lord was with him. He put him in charge of his household (Gen.39:4NKJV) and thus the Lord blessed the Egyptians house for Joseph’s sake (Gen. 39:5NKJV).In slavery! Even though Joseph was in slavery-God still prospered him? Why? His behavior made the difference, his attitude! What is your attitude when you are unfairly treated? When someone steps in the way as you work towards that goal? Remember Joseph dreamt more than once (Gen.37:5,9 NKJV)! Yet he did not see the manifestation! Joseph did not deserve what he went through! Yet, he kept an exceptional attitude and God saw him through! Eventually when God vindicated Joseph, he made it clear that He was (and still is) the God that changes situations in a twinkle of an eye (2Pet.3:8NKJV). Joseph woke up that great day a prisoner and slept as the prime minister of Egypt (the greatest nation of that time)! And guess what? He was even higher than Potiphar! He was the second in command to Pharaoh, the ruler of Egypt! It is only God that can give such promotion! This is an amazing financial breakthrough! Paul and Silas-Their attitude Paul and Silas remarkable people also! They were imprisoned for serving God not for doing what was wrong (Acts.16:16-19NKJV). They were not only imprisoned, but also beaten (Acts.16:22-24 NKJV). Yet were they bitter? No, they sang hymns and praised our God, and the breakthrough happened. God moved on their behalf. Many Pastors preach Paul and Silas to express the benefits of praise worship, which is true! I want to add that praise worship comes from a particular attitude if you have a bitter attitude-you cannot truly praise nor worship! That attitude brought them a great breakthrough. God sent an earthquake to shake the foundations of the prison and open the doors (Acts 16:25-26NKJV)! Analyzing this again shows the extent that God can go for anyone who is not shaken in their attitude to God even when they know what is happening to them is unfair!Joseph, Paul and Silas all had a right to be bitter! We sometimes go through situations that we ask, “Why!” .The bible says we will pass through the water but not be drowned and pass through the fire and not get burnt (Is.43:2NKJV).It also says, that many are the afflictions of the righteous but God delivers us from every one of them (Ps.34:19NKJV)! We can only key into these promises by knowing them. To know them, we need to spend time in prayer and in meditating on His word (Jos.1:8 NKJV). When He shows up, our financial breakthrough will be beyond any human understanding. We need to keep preparing focusing (Prov.4:25-27) and have a positive attitude. He is the God that can do the impossible (Matt.19:26NKJV). When He does, everyone will know that it is HIM as He does not share His glory with anybody (Is.42:8 NKJV)!
Remember “For by You I can run against a troopBy my God I can leap over a wall.” (Prov.18:29NKJ)We can and will make it! I will see you next month!!!
God Bless you all J
Written by Ini Adesanya